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URLEKU means Place of the Water in the Euskera language (the language of the Basque Country), and it was born from the desire to help with this great problem of safe water availability.
The idea and initiative of setting up Urleku comes from those of us who live in Barcelona, and who have been learning from the experience of LEKU for several years. Opened today towards IXILEKU.


Urleku starts and finishes with the letter U, which is like an open glass, waiting to receive water. This water that we receive in our lands of abundance, we can water arid, less fortunate lands, to access the underground stores of water, that are so desperately needed.
If we all are ONE together, our water should be shared fairly. Let’s make their thirst become ours too. Empathy is understanding how others feel. And if we felt their thirst and their need, we would truly understand the severity of their problems.
And he said to me, “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the springs of the water of life freely”
Revelations 21.6




Contact us

(+34) ​600-28-17-01

(+34) 607-46-27-67

(+34) ​658-73-80-03

Visit us in C/ Feliu I Codina 7 barcelona 08031
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